Capabilities Statement

GAS, Inc. Capabilities Statement


GAS, Inc. (Great Plains Analytical Services, Inc.) is a nationwide provider of Environmental Services and Consulting. Established in 1999, we have over 25 years of experience, and we pride ourselves on exceeding client needs and expectations. Our portfolio includes independents to fortune 500 companies in the energy, commercial retail, healthcare, agricultural, and petrochem markets.

Core Competencies

  • Emissions Testing and Environmental Services: We specialize in providing the most efficient and cost-effective services in the emissions testing and leak detection and repair industry. Emissions Inventory, Environmental Testing and Permitting and Reporting.

  • Nationwide Service: We lead the industry with dependability, scheduling flexibility, and availability, providing services across the nation.

  • Experienced Staff: Our team comprises seasoned emissions analysts, engineers, physicists, health and safety professionals, and quality control specialists, ensuring topnotch emissions testing services and keeping ahead of industry regulations.


  • Emissions Inventory, including CO2, CO2e, and Particulate Matter

  • Environmental Remediation

  • Laboratory Testing, Including Air, Water and Soil

  • Portable Analyzer Maintenance and Repair

Certifications and Accreditations

  • NMSDC Certified MBE Vendor​.

  • Accredited by The Louisiana Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program, ensuring the accuracy, precision, and reliability of our data.

Commitment to Sustainability and Diversity

GAS is committed to offering the best services while providing a bright and sustainable career for our team members. This ensures a fulfilled and reliable workforce.

At GAS, we provide quality service in a professional and reliable manner, meeting our customers' needs and goals with quailty and reliability. We are confident that our expert staff will provide you with the expert service you deserve and look forward to working with you in all your future environmental needs.

Contact Information

Address: 303 W. 3rd St. Elk City, OK 73644


Phone: 1-844-GAS-FTIR​​