Emissions Testing
Convenient and Comprehensive
Why deal with vendors who add complexity with additional lift rentals or who cut corners by omitting a heated line. Some vendors even drive in from hundreds of miles away. With GAS we eliminate these complexities by providing our own lifts, including all necessary equipment on the truck and using local resources that know your equipment and know the area.
Federal Emissions Testing
At GAS, we have an expertly trained crew who are ready to perform any regulated testing that are required. Our current offering includes:
JJJJ Testing
ZZZZ Testing
FTIR Testing
Portable Emission Analyzer (PEA) Tests
Initial Compliance Testing
GG Testing
KKKK Testing
IIII Testing
YYYY Testing (CH2O)
Portable Emission Analyzer (PEA) Tests
Initial Compliance Testing
GHG Testing
Emissions Inventory
GCP Oil & Gas Testing
Fleet Permits
GAP Tests
Spot Checks
FTIR Daily
State Testing
Biennial – TNRCC PBR 106.512
Texas 106.512 Stack Testing
ODEQ Quarterly
TCEQ Quarterly
CDPHE Portable
KDHE Quarterly
117 Testing
NSR Testing
GCP Oil & Gas
ODEQ Permit Compliance
Title V Periodic Monitoring
Maintenance Testing