Fugitive Emissions and LDAR
With more than two decades of experience, GAS Inc provides all services related to leak detection and repair (LDAR) programs. We are dedicated to providing our clients with a state of the art LDAR Program that exceeds all expectations.
Our experience includes building LDAR Programs from the ground up to managing and improving existing legacy programs. We can customize offerings to suit all client needs with services including;
LDAR component identification and tagging
Method 21 monitoring
Leaking component management
OGI (Optical Gas Imaging) surveys
Emissions reporting
Specialized training programs
Implementation and Development of turnkey LDAR services
Method 9 Testing and monitoring
OOOOa/b/c programs
GAS provides a Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) program that covers all areas, from field activity to data management. Our QA/QC program includes daily timestamp evaluations, daily calibration records, field walkdowns, and comparative monitoring. These checks are crucial to providing data integrity and a successful LDAR program.
Nation Wide Convenience
With our local resources that understand the specific demands of your state and the challenges of your local sites, GAS stands out as the provider of choice when considering LDAR services.
And a Simple Process
GAS understands that compliance is the key to any LDAR program. Our team consists of experienced LDAR professionals with knowledge of Federal and State LDAR program requirements. GAS uses the newest equipment available to LDAR. All equipment meets the specifications defined in Federal and State regulations, and have been proven in the field. GAS reduces the costs of LDAR programs through innovation and efficient approaches to our work. We can work with you in your current technology solution or bring in a industry standard data management system. We are constantly evolving with technology to ensure the continued safety, efficiency and accuracy of every site.